Wedding Bouquet Inspiration for 2021

Undeniably, the elaborate wedding and event productions have been replaced with more intimate small scale gatherings in recent months; nevertheless the style and substance of beautifully created floral bouquets have continued to be visions of love, hope, inspiration, and new beginnings.

I am not a forecaster of trends and quite honestly after researching for bouquet inspirations, I am quite confused. Numerous publications, insights by trendsetters and influencers, countless images with one just as different as the other, color palettes ranging from rich jewel tones to the purest white and styles from wild and whimsical to timeless and classic flood the internet. So where does inspiration for gorgeous wedding bouquets come from these days? After speaking to numerous guests of the podcast and years of serving my customers in floral wholesale, I believe bouquets are inspired by EVERYTHING! Designers of course, begin creating to fulfill their client’s dream but along the way the designer may be influenced by the organic movement of a flower, a unique structural component of a branch, nature inspired color palettes, a heart touching memory of the bride’s love story, a simple vessel….it truly is endless and encapsulates everything around us.

I would like to share a lovely collection of wedding bouquets from guests of The Flower Podcast. Every stunning floral piece uniquely inspired and created by amazing talent and gifted designers. The wedding or event size may have changed and the landscape of wedding production may not be as glamorous but the language of a bridal bouquet is quietly spoken and well understood.

Image by Mindy Rice/ Image by Jose Villa

Image by Mindy Rice/ Image by Jose Villa

Florals by Ariella Chezar/ Image by Corbin Gurkin

Florals by Ariella Chezar/ Image by Corbin Gurkin

Florals by Sinclair and Moore/ Image by O’Malley Photographers

Florals by Sinclair and Moore/ Image by O’Malley Photographers

Florals by Mindy Rice/ Image by @abbyandlauren

Florals by Mindy Rice/ Image by @abbyandlauren

I believe with their ancient origins symbolizing new beginnings or selected because of their fragrance or meaning, bridal flowers remain the crowning jewel and accentuating piece highlighting the center of attention, the bride. The bridal bouquet is a culmination of her vision for her special day brought to fruition through the creative talent of her floral designer. With the creation of each bouquet, the artist seeks inspiration through their own processes.

Over the seasons of The Flower Podcast, I continue to be inspired by the beauty created by such amazing individuals. Each image uniquely crafted to interpret the dreams of every bride and groom expressed through flowers. Our floral industry is an everlasting treasure trove of remarkable talent sharing in our forever love of flowers.

Celebrating International Women's Day on The Flower Podcast

A little change from the norm here. A blog post not by the voice of The Flower Podcast, Scot Shepherd, but from the only woman as part of the podcast team. Scott has mentioned our family several times and our involvement in the production of the podcast. It is definitely a family affair around here, but the rest of us are all happy to be in the role of the ‘behind-the-scenes team’.

As Scott and I were discussing what to do for International Women’s Day, it was clear….how do you choose just one thing. As I scrolled through our guests’ webpage, I couldn’t help but be continuously drawn back to the beautiful faces featured in each block and wanted to share a peak into just a few the ladies featured on The Flower Podcast.

So much diversity among these incredible women. Each share the common thread as a floral designer but these ladies also represent the vast professions in the floral industry….educator, author, entrepreneur, grower, and fashion designer.

Where to start? This year, we began our 6th season, and the realization of how many women have shared their lives with us was joyously overwhelming. I invite you to visit our website and YouTube channel and peruse all of the women featured on the podcast, blog, Instagram Lives, videos and more. I have chosen a few highlighting the diverse areas of the floral industry with many of the ladies wearing the proverbial multiple hats.

International Guests of The Flower Podcast

Being able to share the floral stories of women across the globe has been a highlight of The Flower Podcast. Flowers truly have no boundaries. What an honor to be heard around the world but even more to be honored by the conversations with these lovely women as they share their love of flowers in their current countries and throughout.

Gardens and flowers have a way of bringing people together, drawing them from their homes.
— Clare Ansberry

In the beginning…

I must start with Sybil Sylvester of Wildflower Designs. Sybil was a client of Scott’s when he worked at Mayesh Atlanta (formerly Cut Flower Wholesale), but she truly has become like family. Referred to as Scott’s Flower Mom, Sybil was our first guest of the podcast and has always been a cornerstone of support and encouragement for Scott and our family. Two of our sons have even had the privilege of working with Sybil on location as she once again demonstrates her confidence and love of our family.

Amy Osaba/ Image by @mksadlerwed

Amy Osaba/ Image by @mksadlerwed

Scott is affectionally named ‘Flower Dad’ by the ladies of Amy Osaba Design. Another amazing team embracing Scott and on occasion our son, Ryan, to work together on location. From day one, Amy Osaba, Mary Wynn, and Enemies of the Average, Ginny Early, have been champions of the podcast and friends of our family. You have seen their familiar faces as guests of the podcast and featured in our blog “ A Summer Garden Party Celebration”. Strength, determination, kind, and most importantly loving moms and wife, Amy and Ginny are role models to women everywhere.


Ginny Early/ Image by @sarah___ingram

Ginny Early/ Image by @sarah___ingram

The Love of Growing Flowers

The beloved flower farmer has become an invaluable component in the floral industry. Especially with the shutdowns of florist and events, our flower growers were a blessing to communities across the country providing beauty, joy, and hope of better days. The flower farming community has been a tremendous segment of the podcast and from personal experience of growing our own flowers and vegetables, farming is a continuous job of sweat, apprehension, dirty laundry, etc. Yet, it is the love of nature, respect of the land, and a passion for sharing the bountiful beauty of flowers that inspires the farmer to press forward.

Erin Benzakein/ Image by Chris Benzakein

Erin Benzakein/ Image by Chris Benzakein

Jennie Love/ Love N’ Fresh Flowers

Jennie Love/ Love N’ Fresh Flowers

Lisa Mason-Ziegler/ The Gardner’s Workshop

Lisa Mason-Ziegler/ The Gardner’s Workshop

Erin Benzakein has inspired countless women to take the courageous step to turn the first shovel of soil, have confidence to plant their first seed, and has in many ways brought elegance and motherhood to flower farming. Instrumental in growing the much needed area of Urban Farming, Jennie Love has embraced the concrete jungle and combines farming with her natural talent of floral designs and teaching sustainable methods. I feel as if I know Lisa Mason-Ziegler personally! She has been a guest of the podcast as well as sharing her time with Scott on Instagram Live. I believe her smile says it all. SHE LOVES GROWING! I have truly enjoyed her energy, her wealth of knowledge she brings to each conversation and of course let’s not forget what an incredible cheerleader this woman is to each grower. Whether you are just exploring the possibility of growing or you are a well- seasoned farmer, You are important to Lisa.

Passion and Purpose

I believe we all find our passion and purpose in life through many different paths and from personal experiences. In many ways, through the darkness of 2020, our world was given the opportunity to connect in ways we never imagined, extend a helping hand and embrace new hopes for a better tomorrow. We are honored to share the stories of women serving our floral community and forging new paths in the floral industry.


Deanna Kitchen

The Growing Kindness Project

Ariella Chezar

Floral Teacher, Farmer, Author, and Mentor

Image by @corbingurkin

Susan Bagle

Creative Director

Accent Decor Global Workplace Equality

Debra Prinzing Slow Flower Movement

image by (c) Missy Palacol Photography

Joy Proctor

BIPOC advocate and creator of

Say Their Name Memorial

Image by Kurt Boomer

Tobey Nelson

Sustainable Floristry/No Foam

image by Suzanne Rothmeyer Photography

Voices of The Floral Community

I have had the pleasure of engaging with many of our guests and although my opportunities are mostly through email, I do occasionally have the privilege of in person meeting. Nevertheless, I feel certain connections with these ladies through the editing process and of course my conversations with Scott. In so many ways, we all share the same stories of love, perseverance, trials and triumphs yet our individual journeys make it possible to empathize with one another and encourage one another. I chose these ladies partly for personal reasons but also for their impact on this industry in multiple ways.

Holly Chapple

The original “Flower Mama”! I have never met Holly but certainly feel as if I know her. Wife, Mother, Designer, Flower Grower, Entrepreneur, Inventor, Worldwide Teacher, Mentor….What else??? Holly has played an intricate role in the podcast. With late night heart to heart conversations, sometimes that needed nudge of encouragement (kick in the pants), or listening to the laughter behind-the-scenes, Holly and Scott are kindred spirits in sharing their voices with you. I look forward to sharing a table one day and joining in the laughter!

Laura Dowling

Former Chief Designer at The White House, author, and floral creative, Laura Dowling, touched my heart with her grace, elegance, and her passion for Floral Diplomacy. With a voice that I could listen to for hours, each interaction with Laura is heartfelt and personal as is the same feeling reflected in everyone of her designs.

Amy Nicole Balsters

Another lady I look forward to meeting some day, Amy’s compassion for this industry is incredibly touching. The Floral Coach™ shares her love of flowers through teaching and mentoring through online courses and hands on workshops. Another kindred connection, Amy and Scott can chat openly with one another about truly anything. The world needs women like Amy clearing the path through their kindness, vulnerability, and acceptance of loving people where they are and encouraging them through gentle honesty.


The Family


Thank you for sharing your time as we celebrate a few of the wonderful, amazing women of The Flower Podcast. It has been quite the journey since Scott approached me about starting a podcast. Little did I know where this would take our family. Scott and I began our own journey almost 28 years when he walked into the flower shop where I was working. I didn’t pursue floral design as a career but as the years unfolded, floral design, growing flowers, and now podcasting keeps me surrounded by the calming invite of flowers.

My first love, family, will always have my heart. I truly love the wife and mom role and although our children are young adults, my passion is for building family community, safety and protection of children, and advocating for voices of the unheard. Life took an unexpected turn a few years ago when one of our children became extremely ill but thankfully as he improves, I am eager to be more involved in issues close to my heart.

It doesn’t happen often that I share about our family, but I thought you might enjoy a peak at the faces of the podcast. Each one of these amazing men have been involved in some way with The Flower Podcast. I hope that as women, each one of you have the felt the respect and admiration from Scott that he has insisted upon in our home from these young men. Happy International Women’s Day!


Top 10 Episodes of The Flower Podcast

We’ve had so many new listeners over the last several months I thought it might be helpful to recap some of the most popular episodes of 2019. Each week I am honored to bring a personal flower story from professionals featuring different aspects of the floral industry. I invite you to a seat at the table to enjoy relaxing soulful conversations my guests share from the heart. It doesn’t matter your floral profession, I believe you will be inspired and encouraged by the voices of The Flower Podcast.

I can’t believe we had a tie in our top 10 , therefore our list has 11 of our guests. Click on the name of my guest to learn more or listen directly below. Let the Countdown Begin!

Christin Geall

Cultivated by Christin


Christin’s incredible eye for gardening manifests itself in her love for floral design. Her skills with photography and writing explode into images of beauty and thankfully are shared through her social media pages. I am eagerly awaiting the release of her new book Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style. Be on the lookout for another upcoming chat with Christin. Her passion for flowers is contagious.

Image by Ana LaFramboise

Image by Ana LaFramboise

Gabriela believes it is important to connect with flowers and finds she connects through her floral designs and while caring for her personal garden. Every aspect is so important and taking the time to relate to the flowers gives space to relax in one's creative process. Gabriela chats about teaching, her design process of layering, her garden, learning from growers like Erin of Floret and much more. Featured in publications such as Vogue US and Vogue Italia, Martha Stewart Weddings, Architectural Digest, and clients including Yves Saint Laurent and Mont Blanc, La Musa de las Flores continues to inspire the floral community.

Julie Tobi.JPG

With a degree in counseling and a self-professed obsession with personal growth and the development world, Julie's background paved the path for her work as a Career Pivot Coach. Julie chats career changes, life balance, and what defines you...And it's not your career! So much encouragement in this episode you do not want to miss Julie’s insights. I know from personal experience the importance of not letting your career define you.

“I help creative professionals pivot into the fulfilling careers and lives they actually want to be in.” Julie Tobi


Carly Jenkins along with her husband Jamie operate Killing Frost Farm in the Potomac Valley of Western Montana. Besides growing flowers, Carly’s business has expanded to opening Westside Flower Market and adding a floral route to surrounding areas. Realizing the impact on the environment and native species, Carly shares her passion for advocating responsible foraging and educating yourself before cutting in the wild. Carly also values the relationships with their customers and has earned the respect of both sustainable flower growers and florists. I love foraging natural materials myself, and appreciate Carly’s insights and tips to forage with good intent and actually benefiting nature.


Emily Coulter owns Morrice Florist on beautiful Martha's Vineyard. Purchasing an 80 year old flower shop with little flower knowledge, Emily revamped and re-branded the business, turning it into part floral shop, part boutique, and part greenhouse which can be used for demonstrations, workshops, and dinners. Emily chats about the importance of building relationships with growers, vendors, and customers. My chat with Emily will leave you feeling warm in your heart and bursting with enthusiasm to spread kindness.

Amy Balsters - haley-richter-photography-ds-015.jpg

Amy Balsters, owner of Amy Nicole Floral has been in the retail floristry and special event industry for over 20 years and now uses this experience to teach others. Amy chats about the importance of learning the fundamentals, hiring, teaching, and how to change mindsets. Believing one must teach from a place of empathy, Amy shares the importance of critiquing your work without critiquing yourself. Amy and I could have chatted for hours. All of us benefit from being more kind to ourselves and showing ourselves grace through our mistakes. Of course are there really mistakes are opportunities for growth?


Susan McLeary, floral designer, artist, and educator shares her innovation and inspiration through amazing wearable florals and designs. With her passion for teaching and pushing the boundaries of wearable floral art, Susan continues to ignite our curiosities to explore this growing genre of florals and so much more. In a special bonus episode, Susan also chats about creating foam free installations and shares personally tried and proven techniques and tips to help others in their own creations. Coming Soon, I will be chatting with Susan about her new book, The Art of Wearable Flowers, an amazing how-to guide with stunning images and detailed illustrations.


Garden Roses are one of the highlights of any wedding and hearing the stories that brought Dani and Bill to this property, their journey and struggles growing them allows us to appreciate what goes into every Garden Rose. Fires, floods, insects are all part of the growing trials and triumphs at Rose Story Farm®, and I love Dani’s openness in sharing the family story. Dani shared with us in a special blog post her personal rose favorites. Read Dani’s favorites HERE


Sweet Root Village, owned by Lauren Anderson and Rachel Bridgwood is located in Alexandria, VA outside the DC area. This was such a fun chat with Lauren and Rachel, and I believe you will appreciate their candid and open discussion on motherhood and how they find balance as working moms. We also discuss hiring, working with vendors, pricing, and more. Over the past decade, they have developed a deep love for small business and now share what they know through workshops and classes. They strive to build meaningful relationships, create special experiences, and incorporate sustainable practices in to their business


Emily Thompson owner of Emily Thompson Flowers is located in New York City. I have followed Emily's creative artful design work for years and her artistic gift for taking the raw beauty in nature and orchestrating a floral masterpiece in any season. Emily chats about sustainability, technical excellence, and designing as the seasons change. There is so much goodness in this episode I hope you find it invigorating in your own approach to business and your designs.

“We collaborate with the rough hand of nature, drawing the eye to the infinite glory of the living world with our piercing contrasts and juxtapositions of materials. For our sometimes ornate, other times austere and stripped-back designs, we seek out rare, ill-used, and unlikely flowers, seed pods, branches and undergrowth to achieve design that creates desire for the obscure and love for the hard-to-love.” Emily Thompson Flowers


Shane Connolly, owner of Shane Connolly and Company in London, England tops our list as the most downloaded episode. Bringing a unique perspective, Shane shares his approach in designing for the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Shane also chats about his love for the meaning of flowers, and his passion for creating foam free designs. In 2011 Shane was appointed Artistic Director for the wedding of TRH’s The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and was awarded a second Royal Warrant of Appointment, to HM The Queen in 2015. With Royal Appointments and worldwide recognition, Shane is graciously down-to-earth, and I know you will be refreshed by his humor and find his insights meaningful to your own business.


Wedding Bouquet Inspiration for 2020

Our amazing guests create incredible floral masterpieces and are so kind to share their images and inspirations, we have picked a few to showcase. Trending colors and designs, new trends on the horizon, timeless classics and a wide assortment of materials are perfect inspirations for 2020.

Gabriela Salazar

Image by Christina McNeill Photography

Image by Christina McNeill Photography

Gabriela Salazar has included the beautiful trending colors of pale golds and blushes. This trend seems to be gaining momentum. The use of dried product is the perfect compliment to Gabriela’s use of color.

With the Pantone Color being Classic Blue, there will be requests for blue accents in our weddings. Isha has created a beautiful bouquet with a hint of light blue that blends perfectly with the blue/green color of eucalyptus. As one of our favorite colors, We are looking forward to this latest Pantone inspiration and are eagerly awaiting fabulous floral creations for 2020.

Image by Suzanne Rothmeyer Photography

Image by Suzanne Rothmeyer Photography

I love the elegance of this bouquet showcasing the companionship between pale blushes and assorted pinks. The stars of this bouquet are the fabulous roses from Alexandra Farms. Bridal Piano (Pinker) and Mariatheresia (Blush) blend perfectly with the astilbe, sweet peas, lambs ear, and butterfly ranunculus.

Image by Kristin Sweeting

Image by Kristin Sweeting

Holly has a simple love for nature and bringing unconventional flowers into her floral pieces. The use of grasses, crape myrtle seeded pods, and fuschia blooms blend beautifully with the ruffle look of the peonies, soft roses, and the airiness of the scabiosa. Letting nature speak to you and incorporating these inspirations into your designs truly makes it your own.

The white bridal bouquet is a trend that is rooted in tradition and truly is a classic. Garden Roses are another trend that has gained momentum and with increased availability and variety, we believe this trend is here to stay. In this classic bouquet, Alicia used the white rose, POLO. This is considered a traditional rose that opens with the garden rose shape and is a perfect substitute. It does take some time to open to its full potential to process according to your needs.

Image by Elizabeth Wells Photography

Image by Elizabeth Wells Photography

Deep moody colors continue to inspire us no matter the time of year. It’s fun to play with this color palette and make it your own by taking it in the direction that works for you and your client. So soak in these wonderful rich tones and assorted textures.

We hope you’ve enjoyed these amazing images from our talented guests. With so many possible styles, plethora of colors, and wide variety of flowers your sources of inspiration are endless.